Monday, October 19, 2009

Screenprinting ideas

I'm absolutely exhausted this evening, so only a quick one.

Just wanted to share this other 'collage' (if you can call it that, it's a half-arsed one) that I did using malacima's sheets, blending, painting and I lost track of what else... I love the marks that make up the face and hair, and it makes me want to start investigating different designs that I could work with in the screenprinting course I'm enrolled on in the New Year.

I'm completely new to print techniques, but screenprinting sounds like something I'll enjoy. I did a bit of research, and was watching a YouTube video showing how to prepare screens with photographic emulsion. That certainly appeals! The fact that it looks very messy also adds to the excitement.

But now it's bedtime. More tomorrow, on faces, my 'draw' du jour...

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